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2023 has been a year full of ups and downs. If I were to draw a line, on paper there have been more downs, but definitely the good aspects will always outweigh the others. I had a lot of fun, I was happy and then I wasn’t. I lost people I cared about (we simply stopped being in touch I guess), I met new people and visited new places. Summarizing, it was chaos.  I partially managed to achieve my resolutions for this year, but I hope 2024 will allow me to tick all the boxes.

Bookish Resolutions

  1. Read 100 books: I did not manage to achieve my Goodreads goal this year, but I am tasking myself for 2024 to read more. I’ve discovered so many amazing books and I am so sorry I did not manage to read them in time. SO with my 100 books goal, I hope to be also up to speed with latest releases;
  2. Be more involved in the community: I am an introvert. Making friends or contacts and maintaining those relationships is a challenge. I am not at all ill-intended; it’s just my defective personality. But books unite. People come together to discuss their favorite authors and I plan on joining the fun somehow;
  3. Keep my books organized: FINALLY I have a system that seems to be working and I hope to maintain it for 2024 as well;
  4. Improve Netgalley and Edelweiss “reputation”: This is long overdue. While my list of books pending a review on Netgalley seems to be increasing, I’ve completely ignored Edelweiss. It’s high time we did something about it;
  5. Post consistently and a wider range or articles: I mostly stick to book reviews, which is great and boring at the same time. I’ve posted an article recently about wanting things to change and I am confident I can do that, with a bit more involvement.

Non-Bookish Resolutions

  1. Be confident: one of the hardest things from all resolutions I’ve ever written. I am not a confident person. I do not trust myself or any ability I may have. But success comes with confidence and boldness and, according to a podcast I listened to, these come with practice. I have to start moving in a different direction and work on increasing my confidence level;
  2. Sew constantly: I’ve learned so much this year and I had a ton of moments of disappointment and despair. I want to keep sewing and be one step closer to my dream sewing shop;
  3. Embrace my emotions: if my anxiety and few low episodes thought me something is that every day is a new day. If one day I’m down, fine. Accept it and move on. I was wasting my energy lying to myself that I was ok despite everything. Guess what? I am not ok. And it’s fine. We accept, we deal and we move on;
  4. Stop procrastinating: this is tied to point 3. So I have a bad day, boo-hoo! So what? Things still have to get done. I may not start with a smile, but it will come. I need to stop procrastinating and get things done;
  5. Find my balance: I did not manage to do that in 2023. It may have been more unbalanced than 2022, I have a lot on my list, I want to do a lot and for that I need a clean and open mind. I need peacefulness and balance.

I reduced my resolutions to 10 in total – some more difficult than the others. If I do manage to stay on top of things, I am confident that I’ll improve some other aspects not included on these lists. 2024 has to be better than 2023. Another chapter, an emotional one, a beautiful one!

Make 2024 as beautiful as you can. Enjoy every day, cherish your friends and family and be strong and confident whenever challenges appear. Remember to read and love a lot! Happy New Year friends 🙂